Chris King by Bruce Hemming

Chris King

Photographs Bruce Hemming

Words Katie Treggiden

Styling Sally Maton

Chris King attended a birthday party in Hastings and really liked the vibe, the music (Liane Carroll was playing) and the people. There was a thick sea mist and when it lifted he liked the look of the town too. He booked a B&B and decided to explore and after four days had decided to move from his home in Elstree and buy in Hastings. ‘I was totally hooked by the sea,’ he enthuses.

The detached cottage he bought was the servants’ quarters for Westhill House up the road, and once owned by novelist Catherine Cookson before it was turned into flats. The property, which dates to the1780s and is Grade II Listed, had been student accommodation and was in quite a state. The renovation project took two and a half years as the house needed a new roof, windows, a kitchen and central heating.

A lot of the artwork seen in the house was inherited from Chris’ dad, who was Pete King, the renowned jazz saxophonist and co-founder of Ronnie Scott’s (he also managed racing driver Johnny Herbert), other artwork comes from artist living and working in Hastings. Chris is a Music Promoter, and had purpose built shelves to store his vast record collection. He has spent £150k and before pics are available.

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